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In robotics and computer vision communities, extensive studies have been widely conducted regarding surveillance tasks, including human detection, tracking, and motion recognition with a camera. Additionally, deep learning algorithms are widely utilized in the aforementioned tasks as in other computer vision tasks. Existing public datasets are insufficient to develop learning-based methods that handle various surveillance for outdoor and extreme situations such as harsh weather and low illuminance conditions. Therefore, we introduce a new large-scale outdoor surveillance dataset named eXtremely large-scale Multi-modAl Sensor dataset (X-MAS) containing more than 500,000 image pairs and the first-person view data annotated by well-trained annotators. Moreover, a single pair contains multi-modal data (e.g. an IR image, an RGB image, a thermal image, a depth image, and a LiDAR scan). This is the first large-scale first-person view outdoor multi-modal dataset focusing on surveillance tasks to the best of our knowledge. We present an overview of the proposed dataset with statistics and present methods of exploiting our dataset with deep learning-based algorithms. The latest information on the dataset and our study are available at https://github.com/lge-robot-navi, and the dataset will be available for download through a server.
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The Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) was first identified in Wuhan, China, in early December 2019 and now becoming a pandemic. When COVID-19 patients undergo radiography examination, radiologists can observe the present of radiographic abnormalities from their chest X-ray (CXR) images. In this study, a deep convolutional neural network (CNN) model was proposed to aid radiologists in diagnosing COVID-19 patients. First, this work conducted a comparative study on the performance of modified VGG-16, ResNet-50 and DenseNet-121 to classify CXR images into normal, COVID-19 and viral pneumonia. Then, the impact of image augmentation on the classification results was evaluated. The publicly available COVID-19 Radiography Database was used throughout this study. After comparison, ResNet-50 achieved the highest accuracy with 95.88%. Next, after training ResNet-50 with rotation, translation, horizontal flip, intensity shift and zoom augmented dataset, the accuracy dropped to 80.95%. Furthermore, an ablation study on the effect of image augmentation on the classification results found that the combinations of rotation and intensity shift augmentation methods obtained an accuracy higher than baseline, which is 96.14%. Finally, ResNet-50 with rotation and intensity shift augmentations performed the best and was proposed as the final classification model in this work. These findings demonstrated that the proposed classification model can provide a promising result for COVID-19 diagnosis.
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Feature acquisition algorithms address the problem of acquiring informative features while balancing the costs of acquisition to improve the learning performances of ML models. Previous approaches have focused on calculating the expected utility values of features to determine the acquisition sequences. Other approaches formulated the problem as a Markov Decision Process (MDP) and applied reinforcement learning based algorithms. In comparison to previous approaches, we focus on 1) formulating the feature acquisition problem as a MDP and applying Monte Carlo Tree Search, 2) calculating the intermediary rewards for each acquisition step based on model improvements and acquisition costs and 3) simultaneously optimizing model improvement and acquisition costs with multi-objective Monte Carlo Tree Search. With Proximal Policy Optimization and Deep Q-Network algorithms as benchmark, we show the effectiveness of our proposed approach with experimental study.
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Uniform-precision neural network quantization has gained popularity since it simplifies densely packed arithmetic unit for high computing capability. However, it ignores heterogeneous sensitivity to the impact of quantization errors across the layers, resulting in sub-optimal inference accuracy. This work proposes a novel neural architecture search called neural channel expansion that adjusts the network structure to alleviate accuracy degradation from ultra-low uniform-precision quantization. The proposed method selectively expands channels for the quantization sensitive layers while satisfying hardware constraints (e.g., FLOPs, PARAMs). Based on in-depth analysis and experiments, we demonstrate that the proposed method can adapt several popular networks channels to achieve superior 2-bit quantization accuracy on CIFAR10 and ImageNet. In particular, we achieve the best-to-date Top-1/Top-5 accuracy for 2-bit ResNet50 with smaller FLOPs and the parameter size.
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This study introduces and examines the potential of an AI system to generate health awareness messages. The topic of folic acid, a vitamin that is critical during pregnancy, served as a test case. Using prompt engineering, we generated messages that could be used to raise awareness and compared them to retweeted human-generated messages via computational and human evaluation methods. The system was easy to use and prolific, and computational analyses revealed that the AI-generated messages were on par with human-generated ones in terms of sentiment, reading ease, and semantic content. Also, the human evaluation study showed that AI-generated messages ranked higher in message quality and clarity. We discuss the theoretical, practical, and ethical implications of these results.
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We propose an approach for semantic imitation, which uses demonstrations from a source domain, e.g. human videos, to accelerate reinforcement learning (RL) in a different target domain, e.g. a robotic manipulator in a simulated kitchen. Instead of imitating low-level actions like joint velocities, our approach imitates the sequence of demonstrated semantic skills like "opening the microwave" or "turning on the stove". This allows us to transfer demonstrations across environments (e.g. real-world to simulated kitchen) and agent embodiments (e.g. bimanual human demonstration to robotic arm). We evaluate on three challenging cross-domain learning problems and match the performance of demonstration-accelerated RL approaches that require in-domain demonstrations. In a simulated kitchen environment, our approach learns long-horizon robot manipulation tasks, using less than 3 minutes of human video demonstrations from a real-world kitchen. This enables scaling robot learning via the reuse of demonstrations, e.g. collected as human videos, for learning in any number of target domains.
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Although massive pre-trained vision-language models like CLIP show impressive generalization capabilities for many tasks, still it often remains necessary to fine-tune them for improved performance on specific datasets. When doing so, it is desirable that updating the model is fast and that the model does not lose its capabilities on data outside of the dataset, as is often the case with classical fine-tuning approaches. In this work we suggest a lightweight adapter, that only updates the models predictions close to seen datapoints. We demonstrate the effectiveness and speed of this relatively simple approach in the context of few-shot learning, where our results both on classes seen and unseen during training are comparable with or improve on the state of the art.
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We introduce Patch Aligned Contrastive Learning (PACL), a modified compatibility function for CLIP's contrastive loss, intending to train an alignment between the patch tokens of the vision encoder and the CLS token of the text encoder. With such an alignment, a model can identify regions of an image corresponding to a given text input, and therefore transfer seamlessly to the task of open vocabulary semantic segmentation without requiring any segmentation annotations during training. Using pre-trained CLIP encoders with PACL, we are able to set the state-of-the-art on the task of open vocabulary zero-shot segmentation on 4 different segmentation benchmarks: Pascal VOC, Pascal Context, COCO Stuff and ADE20K. Furthermore, we show that PACL is also applicable to image-level predictions and when used with a CLIP backbone, provides a general improvement in zero-shot classification accuracy compared to CLIP, across a suite of 12 image classification datasets.
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Large-scale data is an essential component of machine learning as demonstrated in recent advances in natural language processing and computer vision research. However, collecting large-scale robotic data is much more expensive and slower as each operator can control only a single robot at a time. To make this costly data collection process efficient and scalable, we propose Policy Assisted TeleOperation (PATO), a system which automates part of the demonstration collection process using a learned assistive policy. PATO autonomously executes repetitive behaviors in data collection and asks for human input only when it is uncertain about which subtask or behavior to execute. We conduct teleoperation user studies both with a real robot and a simulated robot fleet and demonstrate that our assisted teleoperation system reduces human operators' mental load while improving data collection efficiency. Further, it enables a single operator to control multiple robots in parallel, which is a first step towards scalable robotic data collection. For code and video results, see https://clvrai.com/pato
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